Process for Prosthetics
Whether you are facing amputation for the first time, a brand new amputee, or have lived with limb loss for years, Quantum can guide you through your journey and get you the most out of your prosthetic care and rehab.
Reducing Swelling
The use of a shrinker is critical in the shaping and control of swelling of the residual limb for both upper and lower extremity amputees. You will be required to wear a shrinker, and it is to be worn until your physician and prosthetist feel that the residual limb is stable from swelling. This process is different for every individual. Once your residual limb has reached an acceptable shape, it will be time to be evaluated for a prosthesis. It is important to note that the residual limb may also fluctuate in volume depending on lifestyle, time of day, and activity levels.

Receiving first one
Receiving your first prosthesis is a unique milestone, and many amputees will tell you that this is the biggest step in returning to a normal lifestyle. The sense of accomplishment when you take your first step in your new prosthesis or operate your upper extremity prosthesis is very rewarding, and some amputees say that this begins the process of feeling whole again.

Initial Evaluation
Together, along with your physician and rehabilitation specialists, we will assess your needs and wants in terms of function and comfort.
Fitting and Alignment
We ensure that all components work together to maximize your comfort and independence. Alignment is carefully adjusted to your individual gait and balance.
Final Fitting & Follow up
Following a complete check of your prosthesis, you are thoroughly instructed in its capabilities, function and use.
Following the final fitting, you are then carefully monitored to ensure continuing fit for comfort and alignment, as well as for functionality and use as your activity increases.

Custom Design
Your prosthesis is designed specifically for you through the use of casts, measurements, computer-aided design and working models.